Monday, June 30, 2014

Women and Loyalty

LOYALTY: An example or instance of faithfulness, adherence, or the like. ( Men, how do you know if a woman is loyal to you? Better yet, how do you know if a woman is loyal to the relationship? If you don’t know already, a relationship works independent of an individuals pride and ego. So how do you know if your significant other is loyal to the relationship? While there are many tell-tale signs, below are three ways you can gauge your woman’s loyalty to the relationship:
  1. She remains consistent even when (not if) you make her upset. Let’s say you love to come home from work to warm bath water, but earlier in the day, you made your significant other upset because you forgot to put gas in her car before going to bed last night. If you come home and find that she still ran your bath water to your liking, she is loyal to the relationship. She realizes that while you’ve upset her, not preparing your bath water will only cause you to be upset. And once you combine one upset person in a relationship with another upset person in the relationship, the relationship itself explodes. Although you disappointed her, she does what is best not for you, but for the relationship.
  2. She comes to you first with her problems. Some women may resort to discussing personal matters in your relationship with friends or family before coming to you. A woman who is loyal to the relationship realizes it can be extremely harmful to bring “outsiders” into a personal matter. Instead of taking her issues with you to her friends and family, a loyal woman comes directly to you. If she finds that she is unable to successfully express her concerns to you, then she resorts to seeking another opinion to better understand how to communicate her concerns to you. She is doing this not for herself, but for the sake of the relationship.
  3. She takes pride in being in the relationship and doesn’t take you for granted. When a woman is proud to be in a relationship, she wears that pride on her sleeve — not in a boastful manner. It’s just that her happiness beams so much that it can’t be contained or hidden. Of course, this means you have to give her reason to be proud (which will be shared in a follow-up article tomorrow). Although she knows you could be with someone else, and she could be with someone else, she is happy to know that both of you have chosen to be with one another. A woman who doesn’t want to have “options” because she’s content with being with you, is a woman to keep and treat with the utmost respect.
These are just a few way to determine loyalty, and I'm sure there are others. If you know of any more, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Tomorrow I will tell you how to gauge a man's loyalty to the relationship...

1 comment:

  1. Loyalty from both sides in a relationship or married life is very necessary in order to ensure longevity but many a time problems arise.At that point of time a need of counselor is always needed.

    Leesburg Marriage Counseling
