Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Men and Loyalty

Last time, I wrote a blog helping men gauge a woman’s loyalty to them. As I mentioned in that piece, it is important to understand that the relationship works independent of the individuals in it. In other words, you have your pride and ego, his pride and ego, and then the relationship. The relationship only lasts contingent upon the amount of pride and ego the persons in it are willing to decrease. With this in mind, you do not want to gauge a man’s loyalty to you, as an individual, you want to gauge his loyalty to the relationship that you share with him. While there are many ways to test one’s loyalty, below are three ways you can gauge your man’s loyalty to the relationship:

He doesn’t mind being a “punk” for you. Single men give their friends who are in relationships a hard time. Unlike women, who oftentimes encourage each other to keep a relationship, men tend to want to dismantle their friends’ relationships or not acknowledge it at all. When this occurs, peer pressure or conflict can arise. If your man does not mind being called a “punk,” “weak,” or even a “mítch” by his friends for being in love with you, this is a sign of his loyalty to the relationship. If he is willing to shut down his friends for suggesting that he sleep with someone else or not call you when he said he’d call, he is willing to put his pride aside and proclaim his loyalty and love to the relationship.

He does what he says he is going to do. We’re all familiar with the “actions speak louder than words” adage, but how many of us know people who actually do what they say they’re going to do? Consider yourself lucky if you can count on two hands how many people actually do what they say they’re going to do. A man who is loyal to the relationship respects you so much that he rarely ever breaks his promises. If he tells you he will call you before he goes to sleep, he calls. If he tells you he’ll grab you something to eat and be by your home at 8pm, he walks in your home with a meal. If he tells you that he’ll take care of you, he works hard to keep his word. He is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain tranquility in the relationship. He doesn’t sell you dreams and he doesn’t over commit himself. He does what he says and says what he can do.

He knows he can live life without you, but he’d rather not. He knows that nothing is promised in relationships, but he does the best he can to provide you with the security and stability you need to know that he doesn’t plan on going anywhere. With that said, he doesn’t discourage you from hanging out with your friends. He doesn’t try to keep you busy so that you don’t see your family. He knows that your ability to have a balanced social life with friends and family is what will make you further appreciate him. When you’re talking to your single friends and cousins and they’re sharing their dating and relationship issues with you, he knows that this social time will only make you appreciate him more. He knows if you were to leave him, he’d have to move on and find someone else, but he’d prefer to be with you.

This is my take on loyalty, but I'm sure there are more. If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to leave them in the comment below... 

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