Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Let Go of 2014 - The End of the Year Address

We made it to the 365th day of 2014! In some countries, they are already enjoying the 1st day of 2015 but be patient, the rest of the relationship world is right behind you. You can let go of the stuff that happened in 2014 at anytime. Trust me when I tell you, I am ready to do just that...

You can let go of the idea that "the one that got away", actually "got away". You might have dodged a bullet by not ending up with them.

You can let go of a bad relationship anytime you want to. If it isn’t serving you, if it’s unhealthy, or it makes you miserable, then you’re allowed to let go of the idea that you need that person in your life.

You can let go of the old ideas that you have about yourself. Despite what your unhelpful internal dialogue may sometimes tell you, you are worthy of love. You aren’t who you used to be. You are capable of change. You are worthy of forgiveness, and your old mistakes don’t dictate who you are today.

You can let go of your habits that don’t help you grow as a person. Just because the guys at the office talk poorly about their significant others, doesn’t mean that you have to. Just because all of your friends watch certain TV shows, doesn’t mean that you have to watch it to “keep up”. Just because your friends engage in toxic behavior, doesn’t mean that you have to join them.

You can let go of the negative feelings that you have towards your parents, they’re human. As it is with humans, they’re making it up as they go along… just like everybody else. Whatever they may have done to you in the past, or what you perceived them to have done to you in the past, they were only doing the best they could with who they were at the time.

You can let go of a lot of the pain that still lingers from that person that cheated on you. They did it because they were hurting, confused or cowardly. Whatever their reasons were, their journey is of no concern of yours. They did what they did because of them… not because of you.

You can let go of the idea that intimate relationships run on autopilot. Things that matter take effort. So put some effort in it. Your partner deserves you at your best.

You can let go of the idea that your life “should” be a certain way. It is what it is. If you can change it and you want to change it...then change it. If you can’t change it but still want to change it, then change your perception of what you want to change.

You can let go of the idea that your significant other should be able to read your mind and give you exactly what you want. You’re an adult, and it’s high time you to start asking for what you want. Are you afraid of asking for help, out of fear of being rejected? Yeah, that makes sense. You’re only human, but you’re allowed to let go of that too.

I know I said this earlier, but it bears repeating. You can let go of the pain, anger, hurt, and resentment that you have towards those who have wronged you in the past. They didn’t know the effect that they would have, and they would apologize if they truly knew how much it still hurt you today.

No matter what you’re holding on to today, you can let go.
Enjoy your new year, be safe and guard your heart. I'll be back with more thoughts in January...

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