Friday, December 26, 2014

More Holiday Do's and Don'ts

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours from Relationship Lessons! For those of us who partake in the gift giving tradition, there are many aspects to consider. I could go into a diatribe about how this season is more about giving than receiving for me, and that my satisfaction is guaranteed from the looks on my families faces when they open their gifts. I could speak about how Christmas sucks as an adult, now that the flow of gifts probably slows down exponentially. A plethora of topics could be considered, but alas, the Hennessy and egg nog were too potent over the last few days for me to properly write on those issues. Instead, I will drop some quick knowledge on how to handle the 24 hours following your Christmas gift. It’s Boxing Day for our UK and Canadian readers, so let’s celebrate accordingly. Hey, it’s the holidays dammit!

Do show appreciation for EVERY gift you receive. No one had to get you anything for Christmas. So what if your mom got you the rayon/cotton mix bath robe that you will NEVER wear?! Who cares if your in-laws got you a tool box with one tool and a manual? It’s the thought that counts. Consider that most people would dream of having a suspect gift filled Christmas because they have no family or don’t have the funds to get you what you REALLY wanted. Be thankful that you are getting something to begin with, because after all there’s more to the holidays than gifts!

Don't automatically ask for the receipt if you want to return a gift. Within the first few minutes you receive a gift, you'll know whether or not you will return it for money or another item. Maybe the shirt doesn’t fit correctly, maybe the electronics are faulty. Either way, you will know, but asking for the gift receipt from jump lacks tact. Let the moment breathe a little bit before you go head first into negotiator mode. As adults, we know that some items may not be compatible with us, and as long as we have the means to upgrade or change the item, the thought and thanks for the gift still remains.

Do make sure your gifts are on point. If you are the person who is a gift Nazi, yet all the gifts you give suck, then you really have no basis for gift complaining! Make sure your gifts are on equally or greater footing, or at least have a good sense of humour when your gifts get slandered. Don’t be that guy who gets White Elephant gifts for others. See my first point on the thought that counts, but put some effort into it for tiny baby Jesus’ sake!

Don't go to the stores on the 26th to return gifts. It’s going to be an absolute zoo in the malls and stores on 12/26. Unless you have nothing to do that day, and you are 100% pressed to swap out your gift, I would wait until 2 days after. The madness will simmer down a bit, and you can get what you need. Now if you think the item you want to swap won’t be there after 12/26, then by all means brave the stores. Personally, I would be in chill mode.

The holiday season should be a time for family, rest, and reflection. Gifts are just a small part, but we should make sure that we show proper etiquette along the way. 

Merry Christmas everyone, please keep our brothers and sisters around the world who are less fortunate, and anyone who is facing the tragedy of losing a loved one in your prayers this holiday season... 

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