Monday, January 12, 2015

5 Things I'm Taking Into 2015

At this point, 2015 starts year three of the blog. Year two was a fun year, definitely a progress year. I expect year number three to be more of the same, just with some bigger moves to be made. I hope everyone had an enjoyable break or semi-break. I happened to thoroughly enjoy mine, minus a couple of nonsensical events. But what’s a holiday season without those, right? So now we’re in January and the dust is settled. For the fellas, hopefully we can all collectively wipe our foreheads, because we are relationship survivors! We can chill out for now, but not for long. Barring any pending birthdays for the ladies, the next thing up is Valentine’s Day. To some it's the big one, the Super Bowl of relationships! To others, not so much. Nonetheless we are a shade over a month away before dazzling your lady again for another year. Starting the new year, I'm a little bit older and I've learned a few things that I will take with me into 2015: 

Men and women are inherently different - I’ve accepted that men and women will speak different languages on some things. It makes no sense to really be angered by this anymore. I accept how we can be different, I try to be understanding of it all.

Nice guys sort of finish last - Nice guys really don’t finish last. There’s someone out there for everyone. Someone will dig most aspects about who you are. It can take a while, it can take a long while, but these things don’t run on our time. In between relationships, you owe it to yourself to put your energy into bettering yourself and your situation. That positive energy will be rewarded at one time or another. But what won’t be rewarded is complaining about nice guys finishing last. If you run the same play and the defense has figured it out, change the play. It’s that simple.

Good morning texts count - Now I don’t think the success of your relationship hinges on your ability to send a timely good morning text. I do think that good morning texts help. In my early twenties I was horrible at sending those things. I’d get an earful sometimes because someone might not hear from me til maybe 2 p.m. That was just how I was back then. I’m sort of the same way now. I wake up and immediately start getting breakfast, freshening up and getting ready for my day. Many times I’m not really texting anyone. As I got older, I used my morning routine to send my good morning text. It’s a nice gesture that she’ll appreciate. It doesn’t hurt, if you can do it make sure that you do.

There’s nothing like a genuinely funny woman - It’s pretty cliche to say that men appreciate a woman with a sense of humor. We get it confused a bit in my opinion. Sure, a woman can crack a joke from time to time, but a sense of humor is knowing when to crack a certain joke, or getting a joke that maybe many others wouldn’t. If you meet a woman who is genuinely witty, it shoots her stock up way through the roof. As I’ve grown I’ve appreciated women like this even more. They keep things interesting.

Independent thinkers are a must - I’ve realized I have got to have a woman who has her own way of thinking. I enjoy having my thoughts challenged, and I love having good discussion. The moment someone can teach me something new and open my mind up, my interest is peaked. It’s always great when a woman’s looks aren’t the only main attraction.

I could probably go on and on, but you all have lives and maybe some lessons to learn on your own. As you’ve gotten older what lessons and thoughts have you taken away from dating? I’m curious to know. Many of you think you learn things from me, but we all learn something from each other. I’m glad to be back and I’m looking forward to a fruitful 2015. In the meantime, let's grow, work, laugh and listen...

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