Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Earning Crazy Chick Status

Crazy chicks are a guy's worst nightmare. In fact, many men have built-in crazy radars, letting them spot a single woman who's needy, desperate or crazy a mile away. Ladies, here's some of the weird behaviors that could land you in the nutty bracket, if you're not careful.

1. Telling a guy you like him a little too soon - Women tend to think "future" and think it very quickly. You can picture the day he meets your family, gets down on one knee and the day you get to wear your favorite white dress. Men don't think like this. We rather think, let's just take it one day at a time and see how it goes. If I like her I might stick around if I don't I won't, simple. Telling a man you're madly in love with him before he has the chance to process his thoughts, can put you in the "she intense like full on crazy" bracket.

2. The demands list - Your man must earn six figures, be tall, dark and handsome, live in a metropolitan area, drive a BMW, he must like hiking, biking and having fun (you don't even own a bike). He must get along well with your parents. He must want kids, and you want him to propose within two years of meeting you. He cannot be divorced or have kids. He must know how to take care of you, and know what you want. Whew, sound familiar? Having standards is great, but having an impossible list is not. A lengthy demand list will leave your man feeling miserable and never enough. Be aware that your demand list could be what is keeping you single, and in the cray cray bracket.

3. The danger of being a changer - You found a great guy, but he's not exactly what you want. He treats you well, but doesn’t overly excite you in the bedroom and his fashion sense is a little off. But that's OK, you can fix all of that. Little by little, you start working on improving him, taking him shopping for new clothes, picking the right restaurants for your dates and eventually dictating every single aspect of your relationship. Your man is jumping at your every command, afraid of messing up as your faithful servant. If he drops the ball, then you explode guessed it, that crazy chick.

4. The killer text - You had a great first date. You had a great second date. You like him, and you felt you both hit it off. He's a good person, but now he's starting to get inconsistent and you feel him pulling away. You don’t understand why he hasn't contacted you. So you text him, no reply. You call him, no reply. You just want an explanation so you go to his gym during his workout to get some answers, but he ignores you. Now you send the "killer" text: "Where are you? What did I do wrong? I thought we had something? Why didn't you call me? Can we meet just once and work it out?" No, he's not interested. Move on.
5. The obsessive thinking disease - He's on your mind morning, noon and night. You've told everyone that you think you have met "the one". You get really excited when he texts or calls. In fact, you're only happy when you hear from him. Your obsession turns into insecurity, and you start to question how much he likes you, and if he really likes you at all. You constantly wonder about his whereabouts and who he's with. You start questioning everything he says and does. Is that crazy chick behavior creeping in? I would think so.

6. Falling apart in front of him - Women aren't stupid, and neither are men. We know when you like us. Some signs are obvious: You fall apart in front of us. You say dumb things that make us cringe. You laugh loudly at our jokes. The fact that you can't keep it together in front of him makes him want to run away. Your awkwardness is unattractive. It makes you look needy and desperate, and that's not cute.

7. Chasing when he pulls away - If there is ever an opportunity to look desperate it's chasing after a man. Men will never say it, but we hate it. It's masculine energy, and it's aggressive behavior. Men are attracted to the soft, kind, fun energy of a sexy woman. Guys don't feel like they have won the grand prize if the prize just appears without any effort or investment on his part. Men think you're the crazy chick when you chase. For the record, there is a difference between showing initiative and chasing after someone. Learn the difference, for crazy's sake.

There is nothing fun about being branded as a crazy chick just from a few innocent acts that got a little out of control. After all, we're all humans and make the odd mistake from time to time. Don't let that make you feel bad, every woman has a little crazy in her...