Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Letter to "The One"

We aren’t even married, but I wanted to write a letter to say thanks. If I waited until then, I don't think I would've made it. God only knows how my brain overflows with words. I’m writing this letter because I knew what I was waiting for, and if we never make that step, I know you deserve this gratitude. I'll know if the day comes that you read this, I hope you'll be reading this letter over your morning smoothie, knowing it was written for you...

You Have Patience - Thank you for having the patience to walk through a relationship with a once broken soul. The dating world was completely different than the first time we went through it. Where priorities first consisted of finding that person that made you smile and you could have a good time with, any thought of the “future” this time around required so much more. While I was pretty certain that would be hard to find, I was determined to wait until I did. You knew I had things to work on. You knew that behind my mask of confidence and humor, I had fears of accepting that what I truly wanted was out there. You have patience, thank you.

You Are My Best Friend - I knew that what I wanted was a real teammate; you and me against the world. Someone I could sit back with and laugh as we watch people in public. Someone I could share inside jokes with, brightest dreams and deepest fears, without ever once worrying that trust would be misused. We share failures and success with the zest that keeps us wanting more. You are my best friend, thank you.

You Inspire Me - It’s not that I need you for me to be a better man, it’s that you inspire me to be better. It’s the little things like showing faith in me, the pride you have standing beside me, even that way of calming me down before I take on an important event in my life. You may not know it, but it’s those things that help fuel my desire to succeed. I aim to do the same for you every chance I get. You inspire me by being the one that helps me succeed, thank you.

You Love Our Son - This goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. It was important for us to show our son that a true, healthy, loving relationship could exist. I knew he would learn much of what he knew of love from me. After messing it up the first time around, I was determined to introduce nothing but the best to his life. In you, I found a woman I could honor with love and affection, and you make sure that our son sees the same returned to me. I wasn’t sure I could ever find someone that could appreciate and love our son the way that you do. I was a fool for trying because you were there all along, thank you.

You Complete The Family - Surely you have our own family as well, but you allow me into your life. You took a major step allowing me to step in and help with them every once in a while. I am certain you would worry as much as I do about who would be worthy to be a part of your beautiful life. You realized that before anything, I was meant to be in a family. I was meant to care and provide, teach and encourage. I was meant to be part of a complete family. You completed my family, thank you.

I knew who you were the day I started to believe that another chance was possible. I don’t know how long it took to run into this version of you, but the only thing I know is that without you, I would have never taken this walk again. You see, long ago I realized that I am not perfect. Long ago, I realized that no one is perfect. Sure, you have moments when you aren’t at your best, we all do. You have moments where you need more than you can give, we all do. But I've seen for myself that the moments you are down only help illuminate the way you shine. The world is imperfect, and I could have only hoped to find the one who could perfectly allow me to appreciate that. You are perfectly imperfect, and that makes me love you all the more...

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