Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Five Things a Man Looks For In a Wife

This weekend, I am hosting a speed dating party, and it got me to thinking about how blurred the lines are between men and women, and what they are looking for from each other. For the next couple of days, I want to try to make the lines a little clearer. Men and women want to be successful in their careers, but ultimately they want to be boo’d up, find each other, eventually get married, have great sex and have beautiful children. So how do you know you’re a Wife-to-Be? If you want to know what men look for in the women they choose, then read this...

Independent, Interdependent, Dependent - Will you self-destruct if he’s not around for a day or two? Is your existence dependent upon him? Equally, do you shun his assistance? Can you take his help or do you want to be the man? Have you been doing for yourself for so long that you’ve forgot how to be taken care of? Answering yes to any of these questions isn’t good. Men want a woman that is balanced, a woman that possesses her own interests, yet wants (rather than needs) her man to be around.

Problem Solving, Handling Adversity, Stepping In - When you’re stressed out, how do you handle it? Do you panic? Do you remain calm? Do you have a breakdown? Men want to understand the load they will have to bear when it comes time to console you. The way you handle stress may impact your partner just as much as it impacts you. No one wants to end up with the worrier.

Forgiveness - No man wants a woman that is hard on forgiveness, yet no man wants a woman that is too forgiving. Men need a balance of backbone and leniency. If you make him pay for a mistake, don’t continue to bring it up; that shows you haven’t truly forgiven him. People make mistakes, but no decent man will stay with a woman that lets him turn mistakes into habits.

Get it, Spend It, Save it - When we first meet you and during the early dating stages, men do their homework and notice your spending habits. They’re trying to figure out if you’re high maintenance, frugal, and/or how much you may cost them in the long run. They are also trying to see if you are fair when it comes to spending habits, for example, “Sometimes I pay, sometimes you pay,” or some other method. A man will not wife a woman with bad spending habits, especially if he doesn’t believe he can foot the bills. Money will ruin any good relationship.

Wit versus Intelligence - You graduated from college with a 3.6 and you were in the top ten percent in your class, so you think you’re hot stuff…nope you’re not. There’s a difference between being intelligent and being witty. Intelligence gets you a job and wittiness gets you a husband. Wit is when you can jokingly tell your boyfriend to get his act together without him feeling attacked. Wit is when you can talk slicker than he can and make him happy rather than just make him smile. Wit is the difference between a nagging girlfriend and a woman you don’t want to disappoint.

Next time, The 5 Things a Woman Looks For in a Husband... 

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