Friday, April 10, 2015

Five Things a Woman Looks For In a Husband

Last time we talked about the Five Things a Man Looks For In a Wife, and I appreciate all of you reading it, but today I will let try to let the fellas know what I believe women hold in high regard when it comes to what they look for in a husband. Now this list of things could go on and on, but I could only post five, so here we go...
A belief system - While many grow up practicing denominations that align with Christianity, there are also some who practice other religions or are just raised on the premise of spirituality. Either way, a woman will want a man who shares a similar faith or is faithful to some religion/belief system because it will be the foundation of the family they want to build. It also ensures that the couple is rooted in the same values and morals.

Leadership - Statistically, women pursue college degrees more than their male peers. This may mean women may potentially be more educated or even make more money than their spouse. But what really makes or breaks a relationship will be the ability for the man to respect his wife and to feel empowered to take the lead when appropriate. No matter the distribution of education or wealth in the relationship, his ability to take action and lead will be an asset.
Financial stability - Women like for men who have the ability to provide, to be a provider, not the provider. This doesn’t mean buying expensive dinners and gifts, but at the bare minimum a man needs to be able to pay his bills, hold down a job and have a place to live — even if that place is a shared apartment or home. Even more so, if you are in massive debt, you might want to work on your finances before you seriously begin dating.

Family values - Not everyone comes from the home with the white picket fence and married parents. Even if someone comes from a broken home, it doesn’t mean they don’t come from ‘a good family.’ What matters is that the person knows the value of family and those relationships and works to repair them when possible. Resolving any past mother and father issues helps men have successful, respectful marriages and emotionally healthy children of their own.

Romance and displays of love - While you can certainly "learn" romance, it's great to date (and eventually marry) a man who knows how to make a woman feel special. Even if your love languages are different, receiving love in some form is always welcome. Can you take her away for the weekend? Can you capture her attention with stimulating conversation? The ability to do something new and fresh when it comes to romance will inspire a woman to do the same, and ensure things won’t get boring.

Overall, there needs to be a willingness to please your woman. What matters most is that the man is willing to try to please his woman. Effort goes a long way if a man has other strong attributes to make him a good husband. But don't get it twisted, at some point "trying" will eventually have to turn into "accomplishing" in order to be seriously considered husband material...

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