Thursday, September 13, 2012

Love Hurts...

RELATIONSHIP LESSON: If it still hurts, then you still care...

Sometimes the hurt of a broken heart can reveal a completely different thing than what is seen on the surface. It just might be the indication that you care a little more than you're willing to admit. Could it be possible that your heart with its barbed wired, 12 foot electrical fence with surrounding shark infested moat is trying to tell you something? Truth is, relationships with all its splendor, fanfare and honeymoon come with its share of real disappointment, failed opportunity and dare I say even heartbreak. What we fail to realize is when we're climbing up the rough side of the relationship mountain, the feeling of the pain of heartbreak in a relationship is still....a feeling. I don't advocate anyone desensitizing themselves and becoming a heartbroken zombie thinking you have no emotions, but instead of talking about them, have you maybe tried talking TO them instead? Whether you believe it or not, the friends around you who know best can see your emotions better than you ever can. What most friends see are broken angry shells who can't admit that in all of their "I don't need them emotions" they still carry some residue of feelings for that one who broke their heart. It's okay if that is the case, but don't expect to move on towards someone else successfully while you're still carrying that luggage without checking it at the relationship counter before you board the next plane. I guess the best advise this relationship realist can offer is don't lead someone else into thinking you fully care for them if your unresolved issues aren't dealt with completely. After all, most people whose hearts have been broken are more likely to return the broken hearted favor by jumping into another relationship to mask the pain.