Monday, August 26, 2013

What I Find Attractive In A Woman

So many things have changed over the years for me. Growing older and hopefully a little wiser has a tendency to modify your perspectives about so many things...including dating. I honestly have a hard time remembering what I looked for in a woman when I was younger. Maybe the only requirement I had at the time was that she just looked back at me. But now after being in a few relationships over my life, I know more of what I want, or at least I fooled myself really well into thinking that. I realize now being well into my 40's that there are so many more attractive qualities besides a nice rack or legs that go all the way up to heaven. Sure those are both nice features, but that doesn't tell me anything about who you are as a woman. A friend of mine and I sat down and made a basic list of what I am looking for, and why I am looking for it. After thinking about it, I came to the not so obvious conclusion that what I now find attractive is much different than when I was younger. 

The first thing I notice about a woman is her smile. A smile from a woman has so many inquiries that draw me in and attracts me even further. Why is smiling? What is she smiling at? How often does she smile? These questions are very important to me, and finding someone who is fun, happy, and not afraid to show that emotion is what I like to see. Everyone says they want to laugh and have fun in life, but for me, seeing it is actually believing it. I love the kind of smile that lights up a room. After a smile, it is the eyes that get me. Is a woman shy or confident? Does she avoid eye contact, or is she ready to make a connection? To me, the eyes are the window to the soul, or in my experience, they are at least insight to a person. While I find it very cute when a woman coyly turns away after looking at me now and again, it can be extremely engaging to just look at each other when talking. Maybe it is also a gauge for interest, but I find that I connect with women who aren't afraid to make a lot of eye contact. I also find eyes that sparkle, are easy to get lost in. But gentlemen, you can definitely see the sparkle in the eyes of a woman based on the type of conversation she hears and participates in with you.

It is natural to have a base level of physical attraction to a woman. If you line up 10 women in a row, I could probably arrange them in some order of beauty from a 1 to a 10 as they appeal to me. All of this based from hair color, to length or style, to a woman who is more fit, to someone who matches my personality or lifestyle. But when it gets down to comparing one woman to another, it is usually her smile and eyes that make all the difference. Finding that confident happy, fun loving person seems to easily reflected in those features. At this stage of life, those are very attractive qualities that grab my attention across a crowded room...

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