Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Five Myths About Love

I want to talk more about the “but I love them” justification that people use all the time to stay with someone. To them, love is a reason they should keep striving for a relationship with someone who will NEVER provide the kind of loving partnership they want and deserve. Unfortunately, love is vastly misunderstood and we make all kinds of mistakes based on our wonky ideas about it. The truth is, there’s a fundamental difference between having love for someone and whether a relationship with them is the right thing for you. They’re not the same thing. They’re not even on the same planet, and yet mistaken ideas about love and what it means for our relationships are so rampant, it’s unbelievable.

Here are the five often-ignored facts and misconceptions about love:

1. Love Does Not Conquer All - If you love someone romantically, it still doesn’t mean you’re suitable as a romantic partner for them. You can deeply love someone and they can deeply love you, but your relationship is a disaster. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t true love, it just means that "coupledom" isn’t going to work for you two at this time.

2. Love Is Not an Excuse For Acting Out - Sometimes when we fall in love, we get comfortable and feel like we’ve “conquered it” or “won” because the other person loves us back. We tell ourselves if love is there or if we have feelings for someone, we can act out, cling, or allow ourselves to act in ways that would embarrass us to admit to our friends. When we let this happen, we allow our “shadow selves” to come out and play; we let ourselves go emotionally and stop protecting the other person’s feelings. When they’re hurt, we justify our shabby behavior with how we truly love them and “they aren’t going anywhere.” Then the relationship goes off the rails, and we tell ourselves it wasn’t meant to be or that it wasn’t true love. The truth is behind closed doors, we acted like that person would never leave, and we’re sent reeling when they call our bluff. Just because someone loves you, doesn’t mean they have to put up with you treating them badly (and vice versa).

3. Love Doesn’t Automatically Imply Pain - One big problem is the belief that once you fall in love, you have to overcome obstacles to “make it work”. This is heavily shown in Hollywood’s version of true love since, without conflict or romantic tension; there isn’t much of a movie to watch. As a result, people manifest all kinds of terrible situations to support the mistaken belief that they need to strive, work and overcome to have a good relationship. Loving someone doesn’t require that you contort yourself in an attempt to “make it work”. Love is an emotion and relationships often do require work, but it’s usually more of the “staying present, communicating and working on one’s issues” variety. Not the “convince someone you REALLY do love them” variety so commonly shown in the movies.

4. You’re Not Obligated By Someone Else’s Love For You - The fact that you two love each other (or they love you) doesn’t automatically mean that this relationship is right for you, or that you’re obligated to stick around. If the relationship is wrong for one person, it’s wrong for both people. The fact that you’re going to hurt someone if you leave them cannot and should not make you stay if the relationship is wrong for you. Guilt is a powerful emotion that will snuff out your happiness if you let it.

5. Love Is Scarce and Rare - Love is all around if you choose to look for it, and so are people with whom you could have a great relationship. It takes a little digging, but it’s SO doable. If you adopt the belief that you can’t go out and find love with someone else, you’ll cling to bad relationships and make decisions based on them. Fear-based decisions aren’t rooted in the greater good. Your mistaken view of the world has contorted them. When it comes to romantic love, the results will keep you stuck and mired in what you hope a relationship is, rather than what it actually is. Our fears lie to us. Fear tells us we might never find anyone else and that if we let go, we might never find happiness again. This is simply not true. It’s our fear trying to protect us from taking a leap into the unknown. Don’t let fear control your love life.

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