Friday, March 14, 2014

Apologizing (in 300 words or less)

Yesterday I explained a relationship lesson on my Facebook page that had to do with making an apology right. Anyone can say their sorry, and almost anyone can admit when they are or were wrong, but few (and I mean FEW) can say what can I do to make it right. Looking back on my own stubborn and selfish ways, I can see how I lost many days of growth holding on to an apology, or worse, not asking how I could make it right afterwards. What I don’t want is for anyone to ever fall short like I did. I know it may be an almost impossible challenge, but I want to stress to you how important it is to follow steps 1, 2 and 3 together. 

Can you imagine being in a relationship and NEVER being able to properly apologize? It happens more than you think, because most people believe just saying “I’m sorry” is enough to cover the wrong. Well, that in itself is more wrong than the wrong committed. Sometimes, you have to go above and beyond what you think you need to in order to correct your error.

Lastly once you’ve correctly apologized, don’t be the kind of person who waits around to see if they accept the apology. You’ve done your job, so now it’s off you. Whether they accept it or not, constantly asking them to move on or impatiently harping on them isn’t the way to go. It might be good to give them room to properly assess what just happened. Let them come to you if they need the time but continue to be loving, supportive and by all means, continue to be IN the relationship. If they can't or won't accept the apology, then that's another relationship lesson altogether...

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