Monday, March 10, 2014

God, Hitch and Perseverance

From the movie “Hitch” starring Will Smith, perseverance is defined as continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure. When I think about it, I can’t imagine a better word to define exactly where I am in the relationship world today. We ALL need to persevere when it comes to love, simply because you never know how or when the love boomerang you threw out will find its way back to you. If you’re not paying attention, that boomerang will knock you over the head. Three of the simplest lessons I can show you is how perseverance particularly pertains to me and my situation…

#1: If you don’t GO AFTER what you want, you will never have it.
#2: If you don’t ASK, the answer is always going to be no.
#3: If you don’t STEP FORWARD, you’ll always be in the same place.

When I started this blog in 2012, I never imagined I would come full circle into what I believed would never happen. I became discouraged myself after thinking for years that I blew my chances with The One. I said to myself and to others there was absolutely no way things would ever happen the way I scripted it in my mind. It was at that point that I decided to move on and look for another relationship, mostly because I was tired of trying. One thing I’ve learned is things never go as they are scripted when it comes to God or relationships. I had to let go of what I thought was the right path, and learn it the way God intended me to. That in itself was the hardest thing ever for me to do, mostly because I love being in control for so long, I didn’t know any other way (truthfully, I didn’t want to know any other way).

LaShaun always told me no when I asked her out. Looking back at it, she probably saw that I wasn’t even close to being ready. I wanted to be with her, but there was no purpose to my intentions. I said ok to her no, but I didn’t give up because I knew I’d ask her again someday. Her saying yes came and we went out and had a great time seeing Wayne Brady. Lessons 1, 2 and 3 in perseverance have led us to actually going out, partly because of me not giving up, but mostly because she could see something different in me. My purpose and intentions are totally different.  I couldn’t help to remember Hitch and his definition, but I can’t help but remember God, his promises and his lessons more.

Going out on a date with your ex husband or wife is usually frowned upon by practically everyone on the planet, but if you know what you did wrong, they know what they did wrong, and you both have grown to the point that the other person notices it, then I say give it a shot. Don’t use it as a chance to get some things off your chest, or see it as an opportunity to find closure. In this case, God’s script on relationships and perseverance is infinitely better than mine could ever be. Go after it, ask, and step forward. Be prepared for NO, and don’t give up once you hear it. How you react to no will define who you are, more than anything… 

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