Friday, March 28, 2014

The Soul Tie and The Soul Mate

My pastor often mentioned to us about the devastation of soul ties. It was a new term to some, but not necessarily foreign only because at that moment I felt as if I was tangled up in something. Something that I could not put a finger on. And so when my pastor described to us that soul ties primarily result from engaging in sexual relationships with people who God hasn’t chosen for us, *coughFORNICATIONcough* I was dumbstruck. He also told us that when we have sex, there is a transference of spirits from one person to the next, similar to when someone shakes hands with someone and germs transfer from one hand to another. You can say that was my AH-HA moment! It's critical to be able to understand the difference between a soul tie and a soul mate. I've been on both sides of these kinds of relationships and I have the rope burns to prove it, which qualifies me to talk from both sides. A soul tie keeps one in bondage after a relationship has been severed, but in a soul mate scenario a person only benefits from the connection. Today's blog will explain in detail the difference between a soul tie versus a soul mate.

A soul tie is formed whenever there is an intense attraction to someone. It forms by way of falling extremely hard for someone for reasons which could include but are not limited to personality, appearance, and sex. In a soul tie situation you become extremely attached to the person you are having relations with. A soul tie is often the strongest when the relationship ended against your will or if you shared extensive years in a relationship with a particular person. A soul tie keeps an individual in bondage, and it's truly a situation where you have to pray to release a person from your spirit and your heart. When you have a soul tie, you can meet the most qualified candidate but if you are not free, then the situation will not work. It will either be a situation where you compare and contrast the new person to the ex, or it may still involve a weakness for the ex. Meaning that they still have the ability to call you regardless of the fact that you are dating someone else and have a signicant role in your life and the outcome of your potential relationship.

A soul mate is completely different from a soul tie. To meet a soul mate is to have an intense connection that is beneficial to both parties. By meeting a soul mate you are never in bondage. To meet a soul mate is to have extreme solitude in knowing that you have met a like minded individual. You do not have to pray to release a soul mate from your spirit because the connection is one which is beneficial forever. Distance makes one grow fonder. Time is irrelevant in that the same way you feel today is the same way that you will feel 20 years later. It is a perfect fit situation.

The most fundamental way to be able to decipher a soul mate from a soul tie is to understand that the connection is formed immediately with a soul mate. In a soul tie situation it involves more time. A person that is the victim of a soul tie situation must understand that the cliche "everything that glitters isn't gold" is the perfect way to describe the situation. There are people who study our mannerisms and behaviors and capitalize on them, and that is how you know that it is not a soul mate. To protect yourself from a soul tie situation, move slow and guard your heart...


Unknown said...

So what's the deal about it?

Delvin Randle said...

The deal is, a soul tie not dealt with can keep you from being happy with the soul mate that is waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

I am speechless, i cant believe this what i needed to read this, me and my boyfriend broke up for 5 mnths and my feelings never change nor did his we are back together now and its better than ever our bond formed immediately when we met

Delvin Randle said...

You learned the lessons and got back together, great job! I'm glad that you found your way to this article, thanks for reading.

Unknown said...

Thanks brother I really needed to see and read this! I've been with this young men for three years on and off and I pray everyday that if it's the will of God that he becomes a better man to himself and me! And that God change what ever he need in the both of us.

Delvin Randle said...

Tanika, thank you for reading along. Count me in the number for those praying if it is in his will, that you both become better to God and to each other.

SonShine said...

Good reading bruh! My favorite part... Reader: So what's the deal with it? You: The deal is, a soul tie not dealt with can keep you from being happy with the soul mate that is waiting for you.

Unknown said...

Thanks I really needed this. I thought the man I was with for the last 6 months was my soul mate but realized I was being used for my money. Soul tie relationship definitely but I am praying that God gives me the strength to forgive and move on.

Curious girl said...

When i saw my boyfriend it was love at first sight for me, i fell instantly abd my feelins never died down but we both did our share of things and we broke up, and that took everything i had out of me! I never knew how much i loved him until then and he felt da same way so we kept in touch threw out da breakup and we are back together now but it did somerhing to my trust in him but i still love him and i truely believe he is my soulmate because its not the sex that makes us better its us that make the sex better!!

Unknown said...

I completely disagree with all of this.
I don't believe there is a difference between soulmate and soul ties.

Unknown said...

This is my opinion:
Soul ties and soul mates is the same thing and there isn't any way to release yourself from the memories and all of the experiences you lived with that person.

Anonymous said...

What if you have a soulmate connection with someone else while your still with someone else...even though you and him fight it're both miserable without each other and we've NEVER EVER BEEN INTIMATE physically but definitely mentally I'm married to someone else but he's single

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the enlightenment,been seeking this answer. It is much needed in the Christian lifestyle to know the difference from soul tie vs soul mate and it's impact.

Unknown said...

What if you and your ex still love each other after 14 years and want know you are meant to be but family broke y'all apart because his mother felt she wanted wanted him with someone else so we both Got married to other people which made us very unhappy plus our spouses(I am now divorced)LOOK JUST LIKE EACH OTHER.....WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?

Anonymous said...

Soul tie with a person for 18 years. I know in my spirit and soul it is not healthy but i cant seem to leave him alone or refuse his phone calls and he has become more "klingy" the more distant i try to become between us becuase i desire Gods man for soul mate

Unknown said...

My husband cheated on me several times and I know due to that fact I no longer can trust him but I feel I love him.. is this a soul tie?

Can a soulmate become a soul tie coz that's what it feels like based on your examples and explanations above

Dimples said...

Thank you so much for this. I once had a soul tie that was so painful to break that I refused to ever try again. I recently met someone through church who I instantly connected with and I was going to walk away until I read this.

Unknown said...

You have a point there!

Unknown said...

I would like to know the same thing! Great example!

🌹 Rose said...

I'm married I've met someone not trying
As I've gotten older my marriage was not in Gods will,I believe he's my soulmate,but because of my present situation I'm trusting God and walked away smh this is hard😢😢😢

Todd "Andrew" Farley said...

I thought my comment went through and something happened, so if this double posts sorry about that! I traced an image to your article, wanted to ask if I may use the "photo" with your soul tie article, for posts I want to do on FB with soul tie breaking prayers?

Please email me or I'll hopefully see reply if that's okay? (

Anonymous said...

How can you trust God and walk away?? Have you allow God timeto fix anything?? And God time is not our time.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Almost the same situation. Married to what I thought was my soulmate (and may still be my platonic soulmates), but think I have soul tie to another guy. The marriage was only ever beneficial until the MS changed him. The side piece (no sex), was a very emotionally tumultuous relationship. Believe he is a narcissist and I may have minor case of PTSD. I know I cannot accept him back into my life and feel like I also need to end the marriage b/c it doesn't feel the same. So now I wonder, are they both soul ties?

Anonymous said...

Great question! Interested in an answer, also.

Anonymous said...

Rose, I understand. I feel the same (minus the god part). You are trying to go with the flow, not force it or fate.

Anonymous said...

Have been married for quite a number of years, however things changed which I did not deal with at the times. Basically we now were happy when he was in the mood to be apart of the relationship. We have kids so this is reason I never pushed anything else. Have always been able to get on better with the opposite sex and that does not mean that they were anything else or meant anything else. Going through personal issues with parents, left stranded, one came to my aid which we have always gotten on like a house on fire. We can sit and talk for hours about anything and everything, have so much in common it's ridiculous and quite scary at times. We spent 3 weeks solid together but have known each other other for 10 years. Helped me realise just what I was not dealing with or not dealing with and at the end of the day, I realised I was not happy with where I was when everything was talked out.
Soul tie or soul mate?
Basically marriage has changed and I really don't feel part of this relationship.

Anonymous said...

This article is really right on. I had to move on in life when my soul mate married a woman he had a soul tie with from high school. He was not saved at the time of his choice, so he couldn't possibly get away from her since there was no power from the Holy Spirit available to him at that time to break things off with her. He has really paid a price for marrying the soul tie, instead of a soul mate, in terms of cycles of stress and strife. I would like to add to this dialog that God will bring a Plan B to your life. So please don't think you cannot be happy without your "soul mate." I did marry another Christian man, despite knowing he was not the soul mate, because God is a God of restoration who makes all things new.

Unknown said...

I met this guy and we both love each other even want to marry me but now he don’t respect, he talks anyhow so I feel like walking away as compel to my Ex he respect me very well is this soulmate or soul tie

Anonymous said...

Good point.

Unknown said...

There is a very big difference in soul tie and soul mates soul tie if you read up about it you are not attracted to the person you are attracted to the benefits that person have your not attracted to the person. And soulmate is when you and the other person is strongly attracted to each other despite of what the value is you connect to each other soul ties is connected to evil work witchcraft force when your forcing something or someone to be with you when you know you should leave it alone that no good

Unknown said...

But there are some good soul ties but it has to be holy and the righteous way through God

1 said...

It is only the last two paragraphs that actually speak about both, to me, but the paragraph about soul mate seem superficial description and Hallmark Romance movie-like lines.
My experience revealed to me that all souls we meet are soulmates who come in for a learning lesson to help us 'unlearn our negative imprints' and their 'time' can be short, one min or one week or a whole lifetime depending on our 'pace of learning that lesson' and if we recognise the lesson or learn fast, we don't get chance to be hurt. We actually enjoy the learning and feel grateful to the soulmate for the empowerment we have felt from the lesson learnt. Soulmates are indeed energising and make you feel the best version of yourself. They are often mirrors as well as they highlight what you are 'lacking' and help you find it in yourself by their mere way of being. Their strength makes you overcome your imagined weakness. We tend to stay connected after the lesson is learnt due to pure sense of love. No expectations, no hard feelings.

Soul destiny - the one you are meant to be with is different story. There is an element of freewill but you might be made to be with someone for a thing to happen for others because you had made that soul pact with each other. It can even be something as negative as being abused as a wife so that your child becomes a world healer from these experiences. That does not mean you have to stay in the abusive situation - it means you are delaying in learning your own lesson of self-valorisation and that child is to witness the damaging effect to then get the tools to help others later in his life.

Soul ties tend to feel draining, heavy or even exhausting. It is us after them rather than synchronicity bringing us together by sheer 'coincidence'. Maybe it is even about us attracting them rather than them coming to us or we tend to outgrow them too (?) I am exploring more to see if the soul ties were destined ones or what we are magnetising due to our low vibrations. I would love to hear about other people's experiences on that. And I would love to find out what happens to soul ties and spirit when it is in the energetic plane rather than just having sex physically [when someone is fantasising about someone else and it that creates soul ties.]

Anonymous said...

I've been in a relationship with a married man for 5yrs now. It's not always about sex we meet most of the time when we get the chance. We feel so connected and it's so hard to end this relationship. I've read this article and it has opened my eyes I guess we are just soul ties. How can I break this chain?

Unknown said...

I really don't understand if am in a soultie because I was in a relationship for4 months then we broke up .I have a feeling that he's my soulmate because I love this guy so much. I have tried to move on but I always find it hard to do without him .sometimes I hope he will come back but am not sure if he will it is just a feeling that wears me .I just can't tell if it is a soul tie.

Unknown said...

I get what you are saying it and can apply it easily to my situation. I hope my ex boyfriend will wake up and realize the current girlfriend that he discarded me for only has a soul tie with him. I will move forward and date others. I now see clearly what I had with him and I love him enough to let him go and wait for him to return when he is ready.

Anonymous said...

I disagree in a way bvbc,the soul tie connection I had was immediate because it was a soell cast by a witch, but we never had relationship and it was very unhealthy for me

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love it. Thankyou for this because I needed to be reminded. I was recently soul tied and tormented with my child’s father. I fasted and left him, it was difficult but with the powers of the Holy Spirit I am in the process of being set free. I believe that my first relationship before my child’s father is my soul mate, but I don’t want to attach myself to that idea. I am waiting to see who God has for me, even if it takes a couple of years. It’s better to wait and trust God than perish!

Anonymous said...

Prayer and fasting can break the soul tie. said...

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